January 6, 2023

A Step-By-Step Guide to Starting a Laundromat Business in 2024

Today, entrepreneurship is a dream of many; the opportunity to be one's own boss is an attractive prospect.

No doubt entrepreneurs need to work hard, sometimes even harder than employed professionals. However, one can enjoy the fruits of building a business—a margin of profits, an independent lifestyle, and the creation of employment opportunities. 

There are many business opportunities to choose from. However, one type of business that never goes out of style is that of the laundromat. After all, people always need to continue cleaning and maintaining their clothing.

Like all other business opportunities, digital transformation has also impacted laundromat businesses. By leveraging the benefits of laundromat software, entrepreneurs can optimize all processes and run a highly efficient and profitable business. 

To this end, this blog explores how to get started with the laundromat business and the various things to keep in mind before taking important decisions. 

Benefits of Starting a Laundromat Business 

When launching a business, it's important to understand whether it's the right fit for one's personality, skills, and goals. Here's a snapshot of the key advantages of launching a laundromat business:

  • One of the top advantages of this business is that laundromat services are always in demand. While washing machines have been around for ages, many people still prefer to use laundromat services. 

  • One does not require specific or highly-specialized domain skills to launch this service. Of course, one will need to build generic business skills that are relevant to any business today. 

  • Unlike manufacturing and fast-moving consumer goods companies, laundromat businesses offer a much more hassle-free experience due to the lack of inventory that needs to be managed. 

  • Advances in technology have revolutionized laundry services and enabled them to run a lean business. By using laundromat software, enterprises can innovate their business model and bring more efficiency to the entire work cycle of the company. 

Zero in on the Right Business Model

Laundromats are not a one-size-fits-all business.

There are several laundromat business ideas to explore based on evolving consumer needs, the location of the laundromat, as well as the size of the business you intend to create. Here are some options to consider:

  • Launching a standalone laundromat business in the neighborhood with a Do-It-Yourself approach, or which offers drying cleaning and laundry services  

  • Launching a chain of signature laundromats across the state or country 

  • Partnering with an existing franchisee and operating a standalone or more franchisee laundromats

  • Establishing a more premium service for high-end customers with unique needs

  • Another opportunity is to launch a business-to-business enterprise that services small, medium, and large-scale businesses like hotels and hospitals 

  • One can also launch laundromat businesses that focus on specific accessories such as shoes. 

Growth of Laundromat Tech 

Consumers no longer wish to wait in long queues. At times, they may also not be able to come in and physically do their own laundry. Hence, the laundromat business has also evolved to offer services that keep pace with customer needs.

For instance, they may also double up as a laundry pickup and delivery service. This is where state-of-the-art laundry POS systems (POS stands for Point of Sale) and laundry pickup and delivery software enable laundromat business owners to elevate the quality of their services and expand the scope of their business model.

Both existing and aspiring laundromat business owners can leverage the following tech-enabled solutions to optimize their business processes and increase profitability:

  • Manage all orders and end-to-end in-store operations from a unified, single platform. With such platforms serving as the backbone, it gets much easier to scale the company.  

  • Manage all employees and staff digitally, with notifications for employees  

  • Efficient delivery and route management, with notifications for customers 

  • A comprehensive digital marketing solution that enables customers to go cashless and pay from anywhere 

  • Access to data and analytics and customizable dashboards that provide valuable insights on customer behavior and trends

Creating a Laundromat Business Plan

For those wondering how to start a laundromat business, the first step is to have a business plan in place. Without a plan, there is potential for entrepreneurs to run into diverse challenges that could be mitigated with superior planning.

Here are several pointers to get started:  

  • Define the mission and vision statement for launching the business and unique the problem it can solve

  • Define the scale of the business clearly, and whether it will be a franchisee or new business 

  • Clearly define the services on offer and how much will be charged for services 

  • Financial planning is an important aspect of any laundromat business plan. For instance, one must have a clear understanding of the investment required toward set-up costs. If one is buying a laundromat business that already exists, it may work out cheaper than setting up one from scratch. 

  • There are daily operating costs, such as maintenance and utilities, as well as the cost of hiring staff.

  • Every business also comes with needs, such as marketing. The business plan must include a laundromat marketing plan that specifically works for the business model of choice. 

  • The laundromat business is one that runs 24/7. Hence, operations will need significant attention. The business plan must cover this aspect in detail. 

  • The business plan must also answer an important question—are laundromats profitable? Aspiring business owners must be savvy about the laundromat profit margin that one can expect to earn.

  • They must also outline a spectrum of solutions to optimize processes and cut costs. For instance, the use of customized laundromat software brings more efficiency to the business and reduces labor costs, which translates into increased profitability.  

Financing the Laundromat Business 

There are certain startup costs expected when launching a new business, and such is the case with laundromats as well:

  • Laundromat businesses require investment towards either renting or buying a physical property. 

  • Business owners need to invest in the equipment that goes into the actual washing of the clothes. Initially, business owners may wish to run the business with very limited staff.

  • For those wondering how much to buy a laundromat for or how much it takes to open a laundromat—the answers depend on a couple of factors. Aspiring laundromat owners can scout their neighborhoods for existing laundromats that they could purchase or partner with a franchise that is aligned with their business values.

No matter which route one chooses to take, it is important to have an expansive knowledge of market rates and then create a budget accordingly.

In terms of financing the start, of course, the best route is to start with one's savings. Alternatively, one can take out a small business loan. Shop around for the best interest rates before zeroing in on your loan provider.  

Instituting a Laundromat Marketing Plan 

Once the business plan is ready, it is important to focus on the business of marketing. Here are some tips and suggestions to keep in mind:

  • Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of thinking that marketing only starts once a business is set up. However, today marketing is breaking a lot of rules. Once basics like the name, logo, and brand have been established, one can kick start a pre-launch countdown campaign to generate excitement in the neighborhood or among the target audience. 

  • Another important aspect of marketing is that newer generations of consumers are leveraging digital for all their consumer needs. Hence, it is important to make digital marketing a core aspect of one's marketing strategy.

  • A cost-effective laundromat marketing plan will help build visibility for the business among relevant customers. Today, leveraging laundromat software also enables companies to run cost-effective and targeted campaigns on social media platforms like Facebook and search engines like Google.

  • Another aspect to understand is that omni channel marketing is the way to go in the future. Consumers spend a lot of time on various channels based on how they are relevant to their lives. Hence, laundromat businesses need to have a comprehensive strategy that leverages both offline and online marketing channels to reach their target audience. 

In conclusion

By 2028, the laundry facilities and dry-cleaning services market in the United States is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4% to become a $14.4 billion industry.

Consumer expectations from their local laundromat business are continually rising, and one of the top reasons for this evolution is the advancement of technology.

Hence, when aspiring business owners wish to launch a laundromat business, they must consider building a future-forward business that offers digital convenience for customers, employees, and other stakeholders. 

By partnering with a tech-enabled laundromat solutions provider like TURNS, laundromat businesses of diverse scales can bring efficiency and accountability to their business, which in turn translates to an enhanced reputation and profitability. 

FAQs About Starting a Laundromat Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Question- What is a laundromat business plan, and why is it important?

Answer- A laundromat business plan is essential for mapping out the journey of your business, securing financing, guiding operations, and mitigating risks. It provides a structured approach to building and growing your laundromat business and increases your chances of success in a competitive industry.

Question- What should be included in a laundromat business plan?

Answer- A comprehensive laundromat business plan should include the following key components like Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Services and Products, Marketing and Sales Strategy, Operations and Management, Financial Projections, Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Implementation Plan and Appendix etc.

Remember, the contents and structure of a business plan may vary depending on your specific business model and goals. It's important to tailor the plan to your unique circumstances and ensure that it presents a compelling case for the success of your laundromat business.

Question- What are the key steps to starting a laundromat business?

Answer- Key steps include market research, business planning, securing financing, choosing a location, purchasing equipment, setting up operations, hiring staff (if needed), and marketing your services.

Question- How important is market research for starting a laundromat business?

Answer- Market research helps you understand the local demand, target demographic, competition, and pricing trends in your chosen area.

Question- What should I include in a business plan for a laundromat business?

Answer- Your business plan should cover details such as your business concept, target market, equipment list, revenue projections, marketing strategies, and operational plan.

Question- How can I secure funding for my laundromat business?

Answer- Explore financing options like personal savings, bank loans, investors, or Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. A solid business plan is essential for obtaining financing.

Question- How do I choose a suitable location for my laundromat business?

Answer- Look for high-traffic areas, preferably near apartment complexes, college campuses, or residential neighborhoods with limited washer/dryer access. Consider visibility and accessibility.

Question- What type of equipment is needed for a laundromat business?

Answer- You'll need commercial washing machines, dryers, folding tables, seating, laundry carts, coin-operated or card-operated payment systems, and a change machine.

Question- What legal requirements should I consider when starting a laundromat business?

Answer- Obtain necessary business licenses, permits, and adhere to zoning regulations in your area. Comply with health and safety standards, and consider liability insurance.

Question- How do I attract customers to my laundromat business?

Answer- Develop a marketing strategy that includes creating a professional website, using social media, offering promotions, and partnering with nearby businesses for cross-promotion.

Question- Is staff hiring necessary for a laundromat business?

Answer- While laundromats are often self-service, you might need staff for maintenance, cleaning, and customer assistance. Hire reliable and customer-focused individuals if required.

Question- What maintenance considerations should I keep in mind?

Answer- Regularly maintain and repair equipment to ensure smooth operations. Keep the premises clean and well-maintained to create a positive customer experience.

Question- How can I ensure a positive customer experience in my laundromat business?

Answer- Provide a clean, well-lit, and safe environment. Offer amenities like Wi-Fi, seating, and vending machines. Provide clear instructions for machine usage and troubleshooting.

Starting a laundromat business requires careful planning and execution. By offering convenient and well-maintained facilities, understanding your target audience, and providing excellent customer service, you can build a successful laundromat business that meets the needs of your community.