Customer Stories
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Mithun — CEO, The Washhouse

Customer Story: The Wash House Laundromat - From Challenges to Success with Turns Laundromat Management SoftwareAt the early stages of running The Wash House Laundromat in Newburgh, New York, we encountered several challenges that made managing our business a daunting task. However, our journey took a positive turn when we discovered Turns Laundromat Management Software, which provided comprehensive solutions to streamline our operations and enhance customer satisfaction.

Before partnering with Turns, we relied heavily on paper-based systems to record our activities and data, resulting in inefficiencies and the potential for errors. Turns transformed our operations by introducing a paperless environment, enabling us to manage all activities digitally and eliminating the need for manual record-keeping.One of our major concerns was accurate reporting. We struggled with tracking daily sales, revenue, and machine expenses. Turns came to our rescue by offering robust reporting features, allowing us to monitor our financial performance and make informed business decisions.

Mapping machine orders was another challenge we faced. With Turns, we were able to easily assign and track machine orders, ensuring a seamless workflow and reducing confusion among our staff and customers.

Prior to implementing Turns, we lacked a systematic way to notify customers when their orders were completed. Turns introduced automated receipt generation, which was instantly sent to customers, providing them with a clear acknowledgment of their order status.

Real-time updates became a game-changer for our business. Through text messages, Turns enabled us to keep our customers informed about the progress of their orders or services. This improved communication significantly enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

To prevent order misplacements, Turns introduced bag tags and garment tags for each order, providing a foolproof system to keep track of customer items and ensuring a smooth and organized process.

Online payment was a major concern for us, but Turns resolved this issue by integrating Stripe, allowing our customers to securely add their payment cards and make hassle-free transactions.

To establish a strong online presence, Turns provided us with a professionally designed website, a Google listing, and social media promotion. This led to a significant increase in online traffic, attracting more customers to our laundromat.

Furthermore, Turns went the extra mile by integrating a door-to-door delivery platform, DoorDash, into their system, providing our customers with an additional convenience that elevated our services to new heights.

As our customer base grew, we realized the need for additional staff. Turns Laundromat Management Software offered a user-friendly point-of-sale (POS) system that empowered our staff to handle customer interactions efficiently. The availability of the POS in Spanish language also catered to our diverse customer base.

Since implementing Turns, our customers have showered us with positive feedback, expressing their satisfaction with our online and fast, efficient services. We are grateful to Turns for transforming our laundromat into a thriving business that meets the needs of our customers.

In conclusion, Turns Laundromat Management Software has been instrumental in solving our initial challenges and propelling The Wash House Laundromat to success. Their comprehensive solutions, including paperless operations, robust reporting, automated notifications, real-time updates, online payment integration, an enhanced online presence, and convenient delivery options, have elevated our customer experience and streamlined our business operations. Turns has truly been a game-changer for us, and we highly recommend their software to other laundromat owners seeking efficiency, customer satisfaction, and business growth.